Friday, 4 May 2012

Piripi Crown - Queen's Service Medal

He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata 

Tena koutou katoa
Me mihi nunui ki a koe Piripi me ona whanau katoa. Rereahu-Maniapoto celebrated and acknowledged the achievements of Piripi Crown as he received the Queens Medal for Services to the people as a leader, kaumatua and rangatira.  A proud day shared by so many. 

Te toka tu moana

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Rereahu T-Shirts

Mary Tapu has 50 t-shirts to sell on behalf of Mangapeehi Pa.  The t-shirts are $30 each,so be quick before they sell out.  Email me on to order, first in, first served
Ngaa mihi

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Raffle from Batons Up

Will be drawn this Friday
ngaa mihi Elizabeth Kawe-Roes

Kia ora

Todays fundraiser

Nga mihi nunui ki oku whanau o Rereahu.  Thank you to everyone that supported our fundraiser. Winning tickets today were:
#194 Maryann Wilson
#66 Stak
#112 Parehina Davey
#84 Jahmin
#71 Raine
#122 Debz
#37 Joan Tapu
#39 Maude Hemara
#156 Sam Whanau
#80 Pania
#128 Kahu
#103 Stak
#61 Hill
#101 Stak
#3 Marion Nathan
#195 Jenny Reinhart
#98 Jamie Reti
#200 Susan Tapu
#162 Anna Wong
#68 Tina
#124 Debz
#46 Kev and Leanne

Congratulations to our winners, thanks again for the support
Heoi ano

Mangapeehi Pa Trustees

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Fundraiser this Sunday - Mangapeehi Pa

Kia ora tatou
Don't forget this Sunday 1st April, 2.00pm at Mangapeehi Pa
See you there
Nau Mai, Haere Mai

Sunday, 11 March 2012


As we work towards completing the wharekai there is still a need for ongoing fundraising.  Mary Tapu is in charge of fundraising for Mangapeehi Pa and will be hosting the batons up on April 1, 2012.  If you're keen to buy a ticket, please contact Mary via to buy a ticket.  Tickets are on sale until March 23.
Kia kaha whanau

ngaa mihi nunui ki a koutou

Hangi update

Thank you to all the whanau who made the Hangi so successful yesterday, all the kaimahi and ringawera, well done.  We're happy to report all 80 hangi were sold on the day.
Ka mau te wehi

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

We're here, come along and support the day and buy your hangi for Mangapeehi Pa :) 

Pureora Cycle Carnival.

Held at the Pa Harakeke Eco-Cultural Centre, this event includes a competitive mountain bike race and a fun ride for the whole family over the 26km Maraeroa Cycleway. The Maraeroa Cycleway takes riders through native forest, forest cutovers and tramway cuttings, with fantastic views from Mt Pureora over the Pureora Forest Park. A shorter 10km route will also be marked out for novice riders and younger cyclists. Categories include open men and women, 15 and under and 60 +. $10 entry fee applies and entries are accepted on the day and are eligible for the competition prize and spot prizes. This great event will include food stalls, cycle displays, a bouncy castle, Maori Village, entertainment, conservation exhibits, traditional hangi, arts & crafts as well as mountain treks and native bush walks. Bike hire will also be available.
When: 10th March 9am – 4pm
Where: Pa Harakeke, 138 Maraeroa Road, Pureora
More Info: 07 – 929 8708

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Tena koutou

As we work towards completing the whare kai there is still a need for ongoing fundraising.  Mary Tapu is in charge of fundraising for Mangapeehi Pa and will be hosting the batons up on April 1, 2012.  If you're interested in supporting the kaupapa, please contact Mary via to buy a ticket.  Tickets are on sale until March 23.

ngaa mihi nunui ki a koutou

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Nau Mai Haere Mai

Nau Mai Haere Mai
Welcome to the Blogspot of Mangapeehi Pa
We're created this virtual marae atea for the Trustees and Whanau of Mangapeehi Pa to share images and news from our marae.  Please feel free to send me an email with your panui to
ngaa mihi
