Thursday, 13 June 2013

Strat Plan hui for Mangapeehi Pa Saturday 15 June 2013

There's a strat plan hui for Mangapeehi Pa tomorrow starting 10am
Nau Mai Haere Mai
Come along and help with our planning :)

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

CANCELLED Strat Plan Hui

Due to a tangi within Rereahu whanau, the Strat Plan Hui scheduled for Friday March 29 is postponed until further notice.

Kia ora whanau

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Strat Plan Hui March 29 2013

Kia ora tatou
Further to our AGM in February, we will be having a half day session on the Strategic Plan for Mangapeehi Pa on Friday March 29 2013.  The hui will start at 10am and whanau will be deciding the building and funding priorities for the next few years.  The trustees look forward to working with the whanau to develop the plan for Mangapeehi. 

Monday, 4 March 2013

Whanau Roster duties for maintaining Mangapeehi Pa

Once a month there is an opportunity for whanau to do complete basic maintenace at Mangapeehi.  The duties include washing windows, cleaning and mowing lawns.  Each whanau is required to provide mowers, cleaning requirements, buckets etc,  machinery (weedeaters), themselves for the one or two days of mahi required.

The marae cannot accept responsibility for any damage to personal equipment utilised during the whanau rostered time.  This mahi is voluntary and accepted as koha for the marae.  Toilet paper, tea and coffee will be provided by the Trust. Please leave a note at the marae when these need to be replenished.

Whanau are free to stay at  the marae over the weekend if desired, but the wharekai has not yet been furnished.  If you notice any damage or breakages to windows or buildings etc please report to the Trust.  While we appreciate Whanau completing these duties, major repairs should be left for the working bee and need to be facilitated by the Marae Trustees.
The Trust have a Property Manager (Mary Tapu) who visits the marae on a regular basis and will present these matters to the Chairperson and/or at a committee meeting.


Thursday, 7 February 2013

AGM Notice

Kia ora tatou
Our marae AGM is scheduled for Saturday 23 February.
Registrations and kapu ti at 9am
Nau Mai Haere Mai

Mangapeehi Marae Trustees